Minor kitchen renovations

Minor kitchen renovations

I’ve been checking off a lot of things on my to-do list since I have a lot more free time. I compiled a list of recipes, drafted a rough episode template, and set up my social media accounts. I’m not much of an artist, but I want to keep my budget as low as possible. So, I downloaded a free vector graphics editor, taught myself how to use it, made my own logo and then created an animated intro with it. Things are really starting to shape up!

I’ve also done the painful task of testing myself on screen and my voice over audio. I have had the displeasure of recording my own voice for instructional videos in the past, but I’ve never been on screen before. I’ve learned that I’m not a natural. Keeping still while reading and looking into the camera feels like I’m juggling cats on a unicycle.

The up side is that I’m getting closer to being ready every day. The down side is that the more tests I do, the longer my checklist gets. For example, during my screen test I learned that my “set” needed some work. The kitchen in my apartment is very small, only about 3 meters square, or 6’ by 6’, so I don’t have a lot of options in terms of angles or shots.

To make the best of the situation, I’ve decided to do some minor DIY projects, some of which I have already started. You can see the kitchen in progress where I’ve already put up some under-cabinet lighting. The veneer on the counter is water damaged at the seam, so I have to repair that. Next on my list are a new faucet, a back splash, new cabinet hardware and a faux granite paint finish on the counter.

I aim to get these renovations done by the weekend and then I can really get into post-production.

The scene is set

The scene is set

Bad news first

Bad news first