Back in the saddle

Back in the saddle

I’m not sure I’ve ever struggled so much with technology before this project. My first experience with filming myself cooking was great and I had a wonderful time, but it was so difficult to get my hardware to cooperate. My phone overheated multiple times during filming, which it never did during any of my screen tests. The software I use to control my phone’s camera remotely disconnected frequently, which was incredibly frustrating.

And then! When I went to edit everything together, I realized that the stops and starts I worked through on set resulted in mismatched video clips. I didn’t realize in the moment that my settings were being reset each time my phone turned off, so some of my clips are in manual focus, some are in auto. Some are balanced for day light and others are balanced for indoor light.

The silver lining is that all these issues taught me my first lessons in shot matching and colour correction. I was hoping to avoid those kinds of issues, but I realize this is my first time and I was bound to come across some technical difficulties.

Well, now that I’ve got out all my complaints, I’m happy to say that my video production schedule is fully underway. The learning curve has been a steep one with many stumbles and emotional setbacks, but I’m proud that I’ve gotten this far and with all I’ve learned, I can only improve from here. I will apply everything I’ve learned to the next episode and each will be better than the last.

Bacon Bread

Bacon Bread

The scene is set

The scene is set